For the middle section of the day, the program now splits into six topical tracks. Each track will feature four sessions: two before lunch and two after. You move between the sessions as you like, and many sessions will later be available as videos on
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[Track F]
Track A – Tech-driven change
11:35 Track introduction by moderator
11:40 Track’s session 1
(A five-minute buffer at 12:10 enables you to shift tracks if you would like.)
12:15 Track’s session 2
12:45 Lunch break
14:25 Track’s session 3
(A five-minute buffer at 14:55 enables you to shift tracks if you would like.)
15:00 Track’s session 4
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[Track F]
Track B – Deals and markets
11:35 Track introduction by moderator
11:40 Track’s session 1
(A five-minute buffer at 12:10 enables you to shift tracks if you would like.)
12:15 Track’s session 2
12:45 Lunch break
14:25 PANEL: The whys and hows on getting a credit rating
The motives for corporations to get a credit rating can vary, and so can the process of getting it in place. On this panel, corporate representatives will discuss and compare their real-life experiences – from the original purposes and expectations, through the rating process, to how they value the outcome. The session also looks into the differences between the Nordics and the rest of Europe, as well as the trends in ratings that relate to sustainability-linked financing.
Panellists to be announced
(A five-minute buffer at 14:55 enables you to shift tracks if you would like.)
15:00 Track’s session 4
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[Track F]
Track C – Processes and improvements
11:35 Track introduction by moderator
11:40 Track’s session 1
(A five-minute buffer at 12:10 enables you to shift tracks if you would like.)
12:15 CASE STUDY: The journey from building a brand-new treasury to success in the debt capital markets
As with any company listed through a spin-off from a larger group, building corporate functions from scratch is a critical task. When the Electrolux Professional Group was listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange in March 2020, it embarked on precisely this journey. Paulo Kubis, Head of Treasury at Electrolux Professional and a part of these efforts from the beginning, will present how the newly established function has grown and effectively delivered on substantial projects. This journey culminated in the Group’s strong debut in the Swedish Debt Capital Market, marked by the successful launch of both a Commercial Paper and MTN Programmes. Paulo will share his team’s steps, starting from simplification to secure a solid base, emphasizing the importance of talent and people, and detailing the evolution that ensures deliveries and enhances the value added to the business. Treasury needs to be a strategic function, and this presentation will illustrate how it has impacted the remarkable journey of the Electrolux Professional Group as a successful independent company.
Paulo Kubis, Head of Treasury, Electrolux Professional Group
12:45 Lunch break
14:25 Track’s session 3
(A five-minute buffer at 14:55 enables you to shift tracks if you would like.)
15:00 Track’s session 4
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[Track F]
Track D – Compliance and accounting
How the broadest world developments – including climate change and geopolitical outlooks – are affecting the future for our corporations, could sound like philosophical questions. Still, under pressure from authorities and growing expectations from investors, they are now reflecting in a broad set of new reporting requirements for corporates, affecting both process complexity and values as such. Beside the continuous stream of IFRS amendments, current initiatives that could affect treasuries also include the EU’s drive against late payment, and several other areas. This track seeks to shorten your stretch to getting to grips with all current aspects.
11:35 Track introduction by moderator
11:40 Track’s session 1
(A five-minute buffer at 12:10 enables you to shift tracks if you would like.)
12:15 Track’s session 2
12:45 Lunch break
14:25 Track’s session 3
(A five-minute buffer at 14:55 enables you to shift tracks if you would like.)
15:00 Track’s session 4
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[Track F]
Track E – Cash Management and (difficult) geographies
11:35 Track introduction by moderator
11:40 Track’s session 1
(A five-minute buffer at 12:10 enables you to shift tracks if you would like.)
12:15 Track’s session 2
12:45 Lunch break
14:25 Track’s session 3
(A five-minute buffer at 14:55 enables you to shift tracks if you would like.)
15:00 CASE STUDY: Tapping new solutions to tackle “polycrisis” – Cash management case studies from the United Nations Office for Project Services
Many types of crisis can disturb your cash flows – so, how do you deal with it when several crises hit you at the same time, and they block the solutions for each other? The question arises as many regions are facing complex situations featuring economic instability, geopolitical tensions, climate change, public health emergencies, or all of the above. Add to this poor infrastructure, limited banking penetration and volatile exchange rates, adding to the difficulty for businesses and households in getting hold of cash. Meet Julian Cafolla of the United Nations Office for Project Services, where such “polycrisIs” make for normal workdays. He will let you know that all is not dark, though. Partly as a response to such crisis situations, digital financial solutions (e.g., mobile money platforms, digital wallets, and blockchain-based systems) are emerging as key tools for improving cash management and financial inclusion. Also, governments in developing countries are refining their fiscal policies and cash management systems to better withstand shocks. These strategies may include the creation of digital cash transfer programs, expanding access to emergency liquidity via central banks, and implementing innovative public-private partnerships for cash distribution.
Julian Cafolla,Treasurer, United Nations Office for Project Services
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[Track F]
Track F – Treasurers only – the roundtables
These are the topics that you, treasurers, most badly want to discuss with each other, from a practical angle. We know, because we asked you in September! (Read about our topics poll and its resulting 57-topic ranking list here.) These roundtables introduce a completely new format with our conference – one where you are active as the producer of insight just as much as a consumer. As networky as it gets. No need to sign up for each roundtable in advance, just pop in as with any other session.
11:35 Track introduction by moderator
11:40 Roundtable session 1: The in-house bank
Session facilitated by Pia Villför Larsson, Co-founder, Facilitatorhuset
(A five-minute buffer at 12:10 enables you to shift tracks if you would like.)
12:15 Roundtable session 2: Digitalising treasury – concrete choices and action points
Session facilitated by Pia Villför Larsson, Co-founder, Facilitatorhuset
12:45 Lunch break
14:25 Roundtable session 3: Currency risk evaluation
Session facilitated by Pia Villför Larsson, Co-founder, Facilitatorhuset
(A five-minute buffer at 14:55 enables you to shift tracks if you would like.)
15:00 Roundtable session 4: Global cash pooling
Session facilitated by Pia Villför Larsson, Co-founder, Facilitatorhuset
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[Track F]